Emerging talent Kupid, also known as Q, has been enthralling audiences with his music since his teenage years. His diverse musical background has shaped him into a talented and dynamic artist. He rose to fame as a member of the boundary-pushing band Crossovah, which combined Caribbean and mainstream music. At just 21, Q is blazing his own trail in the alternative R&B genre. With a simple yet impactful sound, he refuses to get bogged down in extraneous noise or overcompensate his identity in his music.
"The Shave Experiment represents a personal journey for me, but it also feels like I was just letting the music flow," says Q about his highly anticipated EP on Columbia Records. During a recent interview with New Times, Q exudes a laid-back demeanor, speaking candidly about his life and music. He embraces the uncertainty in his work, reflected in the stripped-down sound of The Shave Experiment. In line with the EP's minimalist cover art featuring Q shirtless and holding a Fender Stratocaster, he allows his electrifying, '70s-inspired production to tell as much of the story as his words.